Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Busy, busy

I have not been blogging responsibly because I have been busy doing.

I took some time over the last couple of days to look for housing and jobs. When I couldn't stand it any more, I went out and restored the headlights on the car using Pinterest recipes.


After. Not perfect, but much improved.

The Babaloo also took advantage of the dry weather and applied Rain-X treatment to the car and the truck. 

I also spent Sunday and Monday clearing the bookshelves in the living room, selling video games to Amazon, finding a new home for the couch, dealing with Craigslist people. Here's the takeaway from CL, by the way. If you post an ad and ask that people either call or email but not text, and someone insists on texting instead of just picking up the phone, even when you text back and ask that he or she call, it will be a PITA to deal with that person. You will have many back-and-forth messages limited to 150 characters and there will be miscommunications and you won't be able to gauge attitude and there's no context. I've come to the conclusion that people who can't just CALL are relying on text messaging because they are socially inept. That person will agree to meet at least twice and flake on you before he or she actually manages to show up. Maybe I've just had miserable experiences with texters.

The person who received this, on the other hand, was very nice, prompt, and appreciative.

Huzzah for camp chairs and ugly barstools! Our temporary seating for the next two weeks.

Yes, you do see something awesome in the foreground of the above photo. The Babaloo headed over to Lowe's and exchanged his over-purchased building materials for a handtruck. He was happy he got to draw a line through his to-do list item on the markerboard.

Made in the USA!

The kids filled a box with books to donate. I took two boxes of stuff to the car this morning to donate, but it won't actually go until tomorrow, when I have a larger batch to take. I also sold two of their unused toys on CL this morning; they were happy to have the cash in hand.

I boxed up, labeled, and triple-taped a shoebox full of games to UPS to Amazon, but that's waiting until tomorrow, too. I finished cooking the last of the chicken leg quarters from the cube freezer! It's ridiculous how excited I am about that. I've done a mountain of laundry and purged a lot of clothing. I think we've thrown out five bags of trash/recycling since my last post. I called my insurance company and had them email the form I need to cancel my renter's insurance at the end of the month. ...a whole bunch of piddly stuff that doesn't merit photos, but do get removed from the seemingly never-ending list on my markerboard. I can show you what happens when the list starts to disappear...

We have conversations with each other.

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