First, I forgot to mention that we got rid of the recliner and an old shelf yesterday. I'll try to do a better job of relating what we accomplished today.
The Babaloo woke up at about 4:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. By the time I woke up, the coffee was cold
and we were out of milk and the powdered creamer just kind of clumped up on top. I caught myself mid-hissy fit and ran up to
Biscuitville for coffee and biscuits.
We finished packing the kitchen. I ran up to the dollar store and bought some rolls of anti-slip matting. We duct-taped two rolls onto the folded-out back seat of the Babaloo's crew cab and two onto the countertop of the trailer so stuff won't shift. The last one, we put on the not-box-springs on the dining area of the trailer so the mattress (hopefully) won't slide, either. Two boxes of kitchen stuff are on the trailer counter and the cabinets are packed with shelf-stable foodstuffs.
I bought milk so there's no chance of a coffee-related hissy tomorrow morning.
I filled two of my wooden produce baskets with stuff we want to access en route, including our kettle, the coffee press, sugar cubes, the aforementioned powdered creamer, pancake mix, peanut butter, honey, pop-top cans of pineapple rings, and a box of plastic flatware that I also picked up today. At the very least, we'll be able to make coffee, breakfast, and sandwiches. Those baskets will not be loaded until after coffee Monday morning.
I finished doing almost all the laundry, including the kids' bedding. I need to do one more load of clothing and our sheets & comforter, and then I'll be absolutely done. I have to confess that I gave up on the laundry basket full of unmatched kids' socks and just handed them each a new six-pack of socks yesterday. We did manage to match a half dozen pairs of their favorite old ones, but the rest are going straight into the garbage. That's slack. I know it's slack. I just don't have the time or energy, and sometimes you just have to concede defeat to move forward.
The Babaloo and I finished packing our suitcases, and they're queued up in the downstairs closet. The kids and I finished packing their suitcases. We've all picked out what to wear tomorrow and Monday, and we all picked grubby throw-away shirts to wear tomorrow so they'll go straight into the trash Sunday night.
We are going to show up at my sister's for lunch tomorrow looking like bums but she will understand.
I went around the house today with my cordless drill and a crowbar, and removed every remaining nail and screw. The curtain rods are down. The calendar is down.
The beloved markerboard is magically still sticking to the wall despite the removal of screws. The markerboard is going into the trash, though. It's been a good five years, but it's time to replace it.
We went through the freezer and refrigerator and threw out everything except a pot of Portuguese beans, the milk, butter, mayo/mustard/pickles (for making one last batch of tuna salad tomorrow), and a handful of frozen meats that we'll take to my sister tomorrow. That left plenty of room for me to shift things around and scrub the fridge thoroughly. I sternly told my family, "If you spill
anything in the fridge, you
will let me know so I can make sure it's cleaned." Also, maraschino cherries are henceforth forbidden.
I gave the kids backrubs. They've been a huge help throughout this process, particularly today. One kid gave me a backrub. We're all physically beat. I gave the Babaloo peace and quiet for a couple of hours so he could go stretch out after an intense morning of packing and hauling trash so he could catch up on those hours of missed sleep.
I removed the contact paper from the cabinets.
The secret is to attach only a strip on the leading edge and leave the remaining portion flapping when you install it. Removal was a breeze.
We threw out all kinds of household cleansers. We only kept what we'll need to finish cleaning here.
I charged our three phones. I charged my Kindle. I charged the camera battery (hence, no photos today). I found the Babaloo's storage clipboard and wrote the roadside assistance number and our membership ID number on the first page of our travel itineraries. I wrote contact info and directions to the campgrounds we intend to use on the way across the country on a spiral notebook and put it inside the clipboard. I divided our Craigslist and flea market cash so each of us will have vending machine money.
I double-checked that our briefcase has our expired driver licences, copies of social security cards, birth certificates, contact info for potential landlords when we arrive, proofs of income from our rental properties and the accompanying leases, and shot records.
I confirmed with the next-door neighbor that she still wants our patio chairs when we leave.
I checked the mail. I put a check in the mail for a miscalculated copay for a doctor's visit. I signed off on a cancellation form for our renter's insurance and put that in the mail, too. I emailed back and forth with one of our tenants and called the other to let them know to hold off on August rents until we have a forwarding address. Tomorrow, I'll check the mail one last time and put a note in the box to remind the delivery person that today was the last day we're receiving mail at this address.
The plan for tomorrow is to finish loading all the nonessentials, wrap up laundry, dust/vacuum/mop, have a lovely lunch with my sister's family, and get a good night's rest.
At some point Monday, the internet will be disconnected. I'll drive across town to turn in the modem, we'll turn in keys, and then we'll hit the road.