Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Two steps forward, one step back

I was up early this morning and as soon as I finished my coffee, I began clearing out storage bins from the downstairs closet. By the time the Babaloo woke, I'd already emptied two large containers and sorted them into stuff to keep, stuff to donate, and trash.

Then I took photos of a handful of items to post on Craigslist, and renewed posts for things I'd posted over the weekend. I immediately got a phone call on a couple of items and an email on three others. I don't know what happened to the woman who promised to be here before noon. I've been waiting on her all day and she never showed. The woman who emailed first thing this morning texted again at 6pm to confirm I was home, but it's been two hours and I haven't seen her. It really feels like two steps forward, one step back. And I am tired of having to haul my phone around to make sure I don't miss calls and tired of checking my email every half hour and tired of moving stuff from the dining room to the front door for folks only to have to move it back again when they flake. I am thisclose to just loading up the back of the truck and donating every last bit of it. Harrumph.

BUT! The Babaloo took the encyclopedias and the bookshelf over to my sister's today. I really, really hope my niece gets some happy use out of them. I really, really hope that my sister gets a chance to come look at the rest of the books to see what my niece & nephew might want &/or use.

The major productivity, today, though was clearing out FIVE garbage bags of useless stuff. I'm telling you: once we complete this purge and finish moving, I am not letting anything in my house unless I absolutely love it and the minute something stops serving a purpose, it will be gone. For example, my notarial seals. My commission as a Notary Public expired in 2009, I think. If I still lived in the county where it was issued, I'd have taken them to the courthouse to turn them in. I haven't thrown them out because I didn't want someone to comb through the garbage and use them for nefarious deeds. (HA! Deeds.) Finally, forced with having to get rid of them, I decided to take an X-acto knife to the stamps to prevent any possible forgery before dumping them in the trash.

Neurotic? Maybe. I sure don't want my name on forged documents, though.

And the humidity is back, along with a dull hint of another migraine brewing.

Thunderstorms. Approaching 90% humidity again.

This is where I'll be next month. 24%, I think I can handle.

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