For the items we're not selling, Craigslist has also been a great tool. I listed our pet fish yesterday afternoon and they were re-homed by 10pm. That lady was pretty awesome, too, and stood around for a few minutes to show me photos on her phone of her 55-gallon tank full of Danio and Tetra fish.
Our zebra danio and neon tetra, bagged w/ the air pump, waiting to leave us.
Today really has been a mellow day, though. I had coffee and did the breakfast dishes, watched a couple of episodes of TV in my queue (Hulu and Amazon; we don't have cable), and made progress on laundry. The laundry is rather slow-going this week, though, because I'm having to call the kids downstairs and hold up every single item to ask whether it fits, if they love it, or if it should be passed along.
My major accomplishment today was cleaning out the fish tank. It still needs a thorough scrubbing, but I did empty all the water and wash down the insides.
Light + no sucker fish = major algae problems, by the way.
I hope to finish clearing this bookshelf to take over to my sister's house this week. Re-homing the fish and cleaning the tank were the first steps in this process. I thought about pushing to get it done today, but after lugging buckets of fish water to the commode and scrubbing the heck out of it to remove algae, I was kind of done for the day. Plus, it's still been threatening rain.
That's it. Plans for the coming week include taking books/movies/albums to the local used bookstore to see what they'll buy, finishing the laundry and clothing culling for the kids, and donations to the re-use center and/or secondhand store. Oh, and the Babaloo's dad told him a horror story about someone having improperly greased wheel bearings spark and that person hauling a flaming trailer down the interstate, so I'll also be calling around to local mechanics to see who can repack the wheel bearings on the trailer before we embark on a 2,000-mile trip.
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