Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Interview and errands

I had an interview today. I think it went well. We'll see.

The more important thing is that I found my way into the next town over, arrived in plenty of time to be seen early, found my way over to two different grocery stores and back home again without getting lost. We have a Smith's here, which is the equivalent of (and affiliated with) Kroger back east. We also have a Safeway, which I don't think I've seen since I was a kid. I only grabbed a few things (produce, Cheez-Its, etc.) at Smith's. I did better at Safeway, and saved over 50% with coupons and sales. The kids were thrilled that we have snacks and fresh fruit. The Babaloo commended me on finding pretty pork chops at a great price. I am horrible at picking meat.

The interview and errands ate up a big chunk of the middle of my day, and I didn't get home until 4:30, at which point it was basically time to start dinner.

Only one photo today: the view of the valley from my front yard at night. It's relaxing to sit outside after the sun goes down. The temperature drops significantly, the traffic settles down, and all the little lights a few miles away twinkle silently. *Contented sigh.*

So now I think I'm going to go soak in the ginormous tub in our bathroom, because I am beat.


  1. Good luck! I hope you get the job!
    Now you have to find coupon bloggers in your new area!

    1. Thanks!
      I've found a matchup site for the Vegas area, and it appears that's our market area for both Safeway and Smith's. I'm still looking for an actual blogger, though.


Be kind.